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A surgery case, local flap for pressure sore

Today I are going to talk about a case of pressure sore surgery in a paraplegic patient.


The wound, which began with a small blister two months ago, became deeper and eventually developed into bedsores beyond the depth of the muscle layer.

The pressure sore was about 5 cm x 3 cm.If it was possible to get rid of hip pressure sores, the patient and his caregiver wanted surgery.

The photo above is right after surgery.

The wound was closed by removing all unhealthy tissue (debridement) and moving the surrounding tissue to cover the defect (local flap).

A drainage tube (blue tube, silastic drain) was installed to prevent the accumulation of tissue fluid or microscopic bleeding into the wound.The drain tube was removed the day after surgery.

The picture above is one week after surgery. 10 days after surgery, the all stitchs were removed.

Bed sore operations often involve a wound or recurrence, requiring careful care and care from a person and caregiver.

It was a surgical case of hip pressure sore above.

Writing from Joo Seok Park, plastic surgery specialist

#localflap #pressuresore #pressureulcer